FAQ Remedial Massage Performance Coaching
Ear Candling  Relaxation Techniques  Biochemic Tissue Salts
Aromatherapy  Tera Mai Reiki & Seichem  Self Healing Techniques
PsychoNutrition Self-Mastery & Life Coaching  Stress Management
Flower Remedies  Head, Neck & Shoulders Massage

Bach Flowers

There are 38 healing remedies derived from natural flower and focus on the cause of the problem. The purpose is to gain emotional security, heal negative emotions, thoughts and change unwanted belief patterns towards a new feeling of well-being. The remedies are made directly into liquid form for ease of use for children and adults.

It is a natural method to assist in positive inner transformation from our negative states of fear, uncertainly and loneliness. A subtle method to help develop self esteem, assertiveness, self reliance and self discipline.

At the end of the workshop you will understand how the essences:

  • Heal holistically by addressing the cause.
  • Have certain characteristics and can deal with physical imbalances.
  • Assists in relieving emotional and mental problems that are revealed in physical ailments.


For all inquiries about course dates and locations, please email

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