FAQ Remedial Massage Performance Coaching
Ear Candling  Relaxation Techniques  Biochemic Tissue Salts
Aromatherapy  Tera Mai Reiki & Seichem  Self Healing Techniques
PsychoNutrition Self-Mastery & Life Coaching  Stress Management
Flower Remedies  Head, Neck & Shoulders Massage

Self Healing Techniques

Relaxation or meditation allows you to connect with your inner guidance to feel part of life. Self healing relaxation provides a range of techniques to visualise, feel or imagine different images or pictures to dissolve self limitations, release negative thoughts, fear or pain that may prevent you from moving forward in your life.

Relaxation or meditation is a wonderful method used to set personal goals about what you really desire, what you want to do and enables you to create a new and positive future.

At the end of the workshop you will:

  • Be able to quieten and relax the mind.
  • Learn breathing techniques.
  • Connect your mind with your body and spirit.
  • Focus on goals and new directions in your life.


For all inquiries about course dates and locations, please email

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